阿斯彭研究所 and the Community 大学 Research Center Selects the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 for “Unlocking Opportunity” Initiative




全国优秀社区学院网络致力于确保每一个 学生可以获得学士学位或高质量的劳动力证书

阿斯彭研究所, 与师范学院社区学院研究中心合作, Columbia University today announced the 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 was selected to be among community colleges selected for Unlocking Opportunity: The Post-Graduation Success and Equity Network. 去年秋天公布的, this network will be comprised of 10 community colleges committed to improving students’ post-completion outcomes and proving that—by focusing on delivering 价值凭证—colleges can strengthen the programs they offer and the advising they provide. 

圣安东尼奥学院将作为整个地区的试点学院. 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区 and 圣安东尼奥学院 leaders will participate in coaching and work 关闭ly to prioritize Unlocking Opportunity strategies to implement across each college. 

“The 阿拉莫大学 is proud to participate in this first-of-its-kind initiative that will build upon our goal of thousands more students entering and completing programs that lead to high-wage, 高需求领域,”医生说。. 麦克·弗洛雷斯,澳门正规博彩十大排行平台地区校长. 

This national network will lead the field in shifting from the important but incomplete goal of graduating students with 任何 凭证 完成:以目的为目的推进进入和完成: 价值凭证. That means making sure that every student is set up to earn a bachelor’s degree or a high-quality workforce 凭证—including students of color and low-income students who are least likely to enroll in and complete the programs that most often result in strong outcomes. 

“圣安东尼奥学院 is honored to be named the pilot college for the district in this groundbreaking work,”医生说。. 圣安东尼奥学院院长内迪恩·冈萨雷斯·德·热苏斯说. 作为阿斯彭奖的得主, we are uniquely positioned to contribute to this collaborative effort that will boost student outcomes for 阿拉莫大学 and, 最终, 遍布全国的社区大学.”  

2022年5月, the 阿拉莫大学 earned national recognition from the American Association of Community 大学 (AACC) for its work of offering seamless pathways that lead to student success through its Transfer Advising Guides (TAGs). 通过标签清晰而简洁的路径, students can transfer with courses that are degree applicable not only for the 阿拉莫大学 but the student’s university of choice. 这节省了学生的时间和金钱,并最大限度地减少了学分的损失. 

“多年来, community colleges have been focused on improving graduation rates—and progress has been steady and impressive,约什·怀纳说, 阿斯彭大学卓越项目的创始人和执行董事. “但随着十年来入学率的下降, it is time for community colleges to turn their attention to increasing the value of the 凭证s they deliver, 特别是对于大量的黑人, 拉美裔, and low-income students who rely so heavily on community colleges to provide a path to a better life. The colleges selected for this network have shown that they can make scaled and systemic change, 并准备为这一关键目标共同努力.”  

该网络将从2023年运行到2028年. 在前三年, 大学会设定具体的目标, 规划改革策略, 并在教练和学习课程的支持下实施改变. The final three years will include continued monitoring and research by CCRC and Aspen alongside the continuing release of publicly-accessible tools, 案例研究, 并报告与现场分享经验教训. 在整个过程中, colleges will focus on strengthening and rethinking existing programs and developing new program models that expand career and educational opportunity for all students. 

“We’re excited to work with these colleges to help them evaluate and strengthen their programs and see which lead to great outcomes: either good jobs right away or via completion of a bachelor’s degree,戴维斯·詹金斯说, 社区大学研究中心的高级研究学者. “这需要密集的工作, and I cannot imagine a better group of institutions from which we can learn and share lessons with the field on how to deliver excellent and equitable programs.”


    • 澳门正规博彩十大排行平台区以圣安东尼奥学院为试点学院
    • 拉勒米县社区学院,怀俄明州
    • 洛雷恩县社区学院,俄亥俄州
    • 门罗社区学院,纽约州
    • 德州敖德萨学院
    • 辛克莱学院,俄亥俄州
    • 西南威斯康辛技术学院
    • St. 佛罗里达州彼得堡学院
    • 塔尔萨社区学院,OK
    • 佛罗里达州瓦伦西亚学院

德克萨斯州的圣哈辛托学院也将作为该网络的资源学院参与其中. 这个项目是由阿诺德风险投资,Ascendium, ECMC基金会,迈克尔 & Susan Dell基金会和Lumina基金会.